Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Loving the weather

these last couple days!! We decided to take Alaina to the park for the first time both days! We also went for walks twice both days lol Here's some pics on the swings for the first time and playing in the park. She didn't know what to think of the swing at first and then loved it, the second day she is having a blast ~ you will see in the video :)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Thank you all for your help with everything!!!!
We would just like to thank my nan, mom, sister and Lea, Uncle Gary and Aunt Theresa, and Pat for helping me with all the food and decorations for Alaina's baptism. It was such a great help and very much appreciated!!! I would also like to thank all of our friends and family for coming and all the lovely, thoughtful gifts!! Thanks also to jackie for taking pictures and lending Alaina and I both clothes :)

Alaina's Baptism

Well the Big day finally came! I have been planning for almost a month! Brandon thought I was crazy :) Let me paint a picture for you......
I was worrying the whole time, would I have enough food for after, where should I hold the luncheon?? It was going to be Alaina's nap time during the baptism, will she be cranky the whole time?? Will she cry during the whole service?? What food to serve, the cake? What to wear?
Finally I decided to have it at the legion and I would bring her playpen to put her down if needed.....but she's not use to her playpen anymore, so yesterday she napped in it in our room to get acquainted. She did fine, one less thing to worry about. I decided to go with a cupcake cake and all finger foods. I thought back to my showers and how much was left over, and planned from there.
It was the day before and we were preparing the food at the legion. I had forgotten about alot of little things, cream for the coffee, ice, etc. Good thing for family!!! Thanks ALOT again Aunt Theresa and Uncle Gary!! I got home about 9pm and I had to iron and pack Alaina's cooler bag. Finally it was time to relax and go to bed. Well didn't Alaina decide to wake up 3 times and the last time she was up for 2 hours dozing off and on! I was thinking great, just what I was worrying about, should be interesting tomorrow :(
Now it's Sunday morning and we are heading to the church and Alaina is looking pretty tired! Well she was the perfect little angel and I was SO PROUD!! She was good during the whole service and baptism (almost and hour and a half). She wimpered a little bit when he was soaking her head, but what kid wouldn't! We had to towel her off after lol. Everyone commented on how good she was and asked if she is always like that, made me feel soo good as a mom! Now we are at the legion and I set Alaina up with her lunch and ate along with her. She giggled and smiled at everyone and ended up staying awake and being good the whole time!! It turned out to be perfect, very few leftovers, most things were cleaned right up!! She snuggled at the end with Auntie Hope (Godmom) and almost gave into the sleep fairy. We got home at about 2:30pm and she went straight to bed! She's still sleeping, I'm relaxing by posting and bragging about my perfect baby :) and Brandon is playing road hockey with the neighbour boys. Perfect end to a perfect day! You will notice Alaina isn't smiling in most pics, she was just too tired or distracted :( Enjoy anyway

Godparents- Uncle Rob and Auntie Hope
With the minister & the cupcake cake
Nana and Papa Coles

Grammy and Grandpa

Grandma Peggy & Grandpa Bob
Auntie Bailee (this is the best full length Pic of Alaina)
& Playing with Papa Coles after Lunch

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Been Busy

I've been busy planning Alaina's baptism for this sunday, I haven't been on to post or do her photos. Today I decided you needed an update! She hasn't been up to too much different, just mastering her standing unsupported, getting into everything and imitating mommy and daddy. The other day I was holding her in my arms and dancing with her. I put her down and held her hands and danced some more, I decided to get down on my knees to be more at her height to dance and she got right down on her knees!! It was soo stinkin cute :) What's not so cute is when she tries to stand up on something she shouldn't and I tell her no, and move her and she looks at me and gives me her mad cry and then tries to do it again! But other than that, everything she does is cute lol
I think she's thinking, mom no more pictures!
Help me I'm stuck!!
She crawled inbetween the table and couch
and then couldn't get out lol
Just showing off how cute she is :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I couldn't resist

posting this picture! This was Alaina today for her morning nap. I went to check on her before I hopped in the shower and had to run downstairs and grab the camera! It must be more comfortable then it looks cause she was still like that after my shower. Silly kid lol

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Up to No good!

Well Alaina is learning alot and I don't know where she is learning it from! The one day, Brandon left the door open at the bottom of the stairs when he ran up and before I knew it she had climbed the first step! So I went behind her and she zoomed up 8 stairs to see daddy! I'm glad we have that door at the bottom of the stairs! Then today, I put her down for her morning nap and she was playing for a bit. Then she started screaming, so I went up to check her (she stands and can't always get back down) when I got to the top of the stairs I could see into her room and her suckie was on the floor at the end of her crib. I walked into her room and there she was sitting at the end with her leg dangling out, stuck up to her hip! I think she was trying to escape to get her suckie! When I called Brandon to tell him, he said she did that the other day too! She had her crib toy riped down and all her blankets thrown around. Times like that I wish I had the camera, I might have to purchase another one just for her bedroom! I call her our little roughian. She is reaching for everything, especially in the office around the computer. She stands on her walker (the plastic over the wheels) and tries to reach for the mouse. Quite the explorer.