Monday, August 27, 2007

Finally ~ Videos!!!

Here are the long awaited dancing videos! :P They are a bit dark since it was early in the morning and I couldn't worry about lighting before we headed to the sitters. She started to dance so I ran and grabbed the camera. Hope you can see good enough. :)

Shaking her booty!

Her Gangsta dance!

Here's the pic of her wearing daddy's socks oh so proudly! And a new pic from yesterday, she climbed into her walker (which she hasn't used in months!) by herself and had her legs in the holes and everything! I was getting us food in the kitchen, she sure is quick!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bed Time

We have a very set routine for bedtime. Alaina has her bath, goes in her room for a drink and we read her a book most of the time, usually she turns the pages so fast we end up just letting her look at it! Then we brush teeth, she has to shut the light off, and I pass her to Brandon for bed. We hug, I say good night and I love you. Well last night, she was saying I love you, of course again it didn't sound just like that. So I kept saying it back when I was going downstairs. We must have said it 4 times each! It made my night, I couldn't stop smiling, she is such a lovey dovey sweetheart! :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bad Blogger

I've been a bad blogger lately. Seems like time is going by faster and faster! Our family was sick with a bad cold the past week so we don't have a whole lot to post about :( Alaina now has 3 molars and 2 of her top eye teeth through, that makes a total of 13 teeth so far! I haven't checked in the past week so there could be more :P We've been trying to get together with family and friends more often. I recently finished Alaina's scrapbook! We had a day with the Coles' boys two weekends ago, they still like to take care of their little girl cuz :) Thanks again for the toys and videos too! I've also been a bad picture taker lately too! I have to upload the few I have taken soon. I know you guys are anxiously awaiting the gangsta video, we've just forgotten lately :( She now likes to shake her 'booty' too lol I will try and get all that excitement recorded and on display soon! :) She is pointing to everything, which has been a big help in figuring out what she wants. She will take you right to the fridge if she's thirsty, to her chair if she's hungry, it's so nice! Now if she would start saying more words we can understand lol Well here's a couple older pics of her cuddled up in her blanky watching her shows. I will try to be more on top of things again :P