Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Preparations

Here are some pics from Alaina helping us decorate the tree. She wanted to put all her ornaments on one branch lol She had alot of fun doing it and didn't seem to care when I moved them around after :) We've had a few photo shoots since trying to get the perfect Christmas card pic. Well I ran out of time and my baby looks like an Oompa Loompa with orange skin, come to find out carrots are a no no :( We took them to the mall to get a picture with Santa, and found out Santa doesn't work very hard at the Chatham mall, isn't there Mondays or Tuesdays. We were in the elevator to change floors and Brandon noticed a bear with a note saying, 'I'm lost, take me to the sears portrait studio for a reward.' Turned out to be a free session and a free 10x13. They even had 15mins to squeeze us in, since I already had the girls dressed to see Santa I was happy. Alivia was a bit tired and looked at the lady like who are you and what do you want me to do? But Alaina was little miss poser, wish she was that cooperative for me! 2 weeks later and 3 attempts, once even to london (car broke down and didn't make it all the way to the mall, luckily we were at Bailee's though!), we finally got a picture with Santa. Alaina went right to him, but was a bit shy and didn't say much. Alivia sat with him no problem and grabbed a fist of his beard :P

Peanut is 8 Months

I'm a little behind on posting. Alivia was just under 15lbs and just under 26" long. She is waving but after you aren't looking lol We are working on clapping, she will put her hands together and wave them still or slap the tops of her hands. She is just soo busy getting into everything. She is at the point of going where she's not suppose to, look at me, smile and touch it anyway. She is going to give us a run for our money when she's older! She started on some finger foods and still has to master the 'pincher' skill but enjoys feeding herself. But her gag reflex is sensitive and I have to be careful how thick and chunky her food is, or she pukes :( She loves yoguart too. Been busy trying to train Alaina not to leave her drinks, food and non-chewable toys up where her sister can't reach them!

Getting ready for the tub, I hope she doesn't keep all of those dimples lol

She loves looking out that window and now basket rides too :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Busy little peanut!

Well since her 7 Month update, Alivia has changed alot, hard to believe I know! She is a full blown, speedy crawler, two days after that she was pulling up to standing on her own, and the next day she was cruising slowly along the couch, a couple days after that, she was cruising along all the furniture, can get down and back up again. She even stands with one hand just resting. She is very brave, she will be an earlier walker I think! She can get around the kitchen in her walker no problem, backing up and turning. Poor Alaina is now getting her hair pulled alot, which I have to watch what I feared, Alaina pushing her away! I think she is enjoying her sister being mobile for the most part, she tries to get her to chase her, which Alaina does many laps before Alivia gets halfway lol. They now bath together and love it, Alaina asks every night if sister is coming. Alaina taught her how to splash and they giggle nonstop! This has also lead to bedtime stories together. Alaina now wants Alivia to come sit in bed with her, it's soo sweet :)

Alivia's Baptism

We had Alivia baptized at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on November 2, 2008. It was a hectic day! I forgot all about the time change, had everyone up an hour too early. Then thought it would work to my advantage and I could get her to nap before church, well nope! She was awake from 7:15am until 1:30pm with a cold on top of it all. She was really good though. Alaina was really good too. She came running up, wanted to be held and watched Alivia get baptized over daddy's shoulder, and said awww sister, it's ok. It was the cutest thing :) I borrowed her dress from Kristy so I changed it shortly after so we wouldn't ruin it. So needless to say I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, no ceremony ones at all, my photographer didn't show & I couldn't signal anyone from up front :( and bailee was doing video, at least I have that. So I'm bummed but still got some good ones after. You will see Alaina is missing in alot of pictures, she was busy running around, and the ones she is in you can tell she's trying to break free! lol Thank you again to everyone that came and for all the thoughtful gifts :)

Godparents - Rob & Hope
Aunt Tay Tay & Grandpa Rob

Grandpa Tom & Auntie Bailee
Papa Bob, Grandma Peggy, Aunt Candy & Cousin Drew
Papa Ron & Grandma Pat
My cupcake cake

Halloween 2008

Halloween was a busy one! We decided last year we were going to start rotating the cities that grandparents lived in so they all get a turn and we have less running around. The last two years we did Ridgetown and Dresden. This year we made one stop in Dresden at my nans, she seen them in the car, then we headed to Chatham. First stop was Uncle Chucks. We trick or treated with all of them around a big block. Alaina was way behind her older cousins who were sprinting from house to house. She had alot of fun. Then we loaded up and headed over to Grandma Peggy's, then seen Grandpa Tom and Grammy was in town. The girls costumes couldn't be worn in their car seats and with all the in and out and running, I only got one picture :(

Lady Bug Alaina and Pea pod Alivia, daddy is a Jiffy Lube Employee :P

On November 1st we attended a big costume birthday party for Alexis Taylor (Oct 21), Zachary Hart (Nov 1) & Kale Ross (Nov 9) all turning one! We had a blast and really enjoyed seeing all the kids in their costumes, what a great idea!

All the kids, aren't they cute?!

The birthday Toddlers, Lexi, Zach & Kale

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We skipped taking Alaina to pick out her own pumpkin this year, due to weather and time. So Brandon brought one home last night and carved it with Alaina. We did it while Alivia was sleeping, figured she's too young and it would be easier with Alaina alone. Just like last year Alaina didn't want to get dirty. She stuck the spoon in twice and then watched dad finish up lol It didn't scare her this year either, probably because she's older and dad carved it less scary!!

Blowing out the Candle lol

Monday, October 27, 2008


Alivia is 7 months
Alivia is now crawling! She can sit from her tummy and has 6 teeth. She is already getting into trouble not wanting to leave a plant alone. She smacks her lips together blowing kisses too. Not sure how much she weighs. I'm guessing she's on a steady growth of about a pound a month. She doesn't seem to like any new foods the first couple of times. I have to be consistent and persistent. A bit different from her sister. Cereal she loves, so I mix some in her food. I hope that changes, I don't want a picky eater on my hands! I think Alaina likes that she is a bit active now. oh and how could I forget, she said her first word a couple weeks ago ~ MOM!!! I was rocking her for bed and she said it a bunch, I had a perma-smile. Brandon didn't want to believe me and of course it was a couple days later when he finally heard it, so he's been working on dad lol
We spend alot of time in our jammies, less laundry :P
And her hair is becoming unmanageable, but I don't want to cut it :)
Note the Chiclets!!

Alaina Tidbits
Alaina still really loves her dance class. She is doing very well too. She can sing at least a dozen songs and helps me read all her books. She really amazes us on how quick she can memorize and remember something. She can sing 98% of the alphabet and knows some of the letters sounds, she actually knows the sounds better than she knows the name of the letter itself. She can draw an imperfect circle and line. She tries really hard to colour inside the lines too. We took her skating for the first time this year and she didn't have as much interest as we had hoped. She can stand on her skates off the ice good but she relys on us too much on the ice. So we are going to get her some skate guards so she can practise her balance and walking in her skates at home before trying the ice again.