I didn't get around to posting about
Alaina's 18 month
appt. She weighed 20.7lbs & 32.5" long. She's still following the same growth pattern since birth! I think she's close to 22 lbs now, she loves to stand on our scale at home :) She started to whine as soon as we got out of the car at the
dr.'s office. She wouldn't let go of me the whole time. While we were in the room waiting, she kept pointing to the door to leave. She cried while the
dr. was touching her and during her shots, and then was fine after she left the room! B had an
appt that day too and she didn't like the
dr. touching him either! She is doing everything physically and vocabulary wise for her age. Since then she has started to speak in sentences. She will say I don't want .... and I am thirsty, etc. She can count 1, 2 and repeats everything and almost says it all right! She has surprised me a couple of times saying things and pointing to things I didn't know she knew. :) She is learning her colours, so far yellow is the one she knows. She knows all her body parts, the main ones anyway and says her name if you ask her what it is. I can't believe what a smart little girl she is now, it seems to have happened overnight! We have been trying to get her prepared for the baby coming, she has come quite attached to her one doll. I know it will be huge adjustment. She doesn't like anyone touching my belly right now, and wants to sit on my lap if I'm holding a baby. Sure is going to be interesting :P Well, that's about all I can think of for now. I will update again with some new pics soon!