Tuesday, April 29, 2008
One Month
Alivia had her one month appt. yesterday. He said she is doing excellent! She is already 10lbs and 20.5 inches long! She eats good :P She holds her head well and does baby push ups when she's on our chest. She has started to smile and watch our faces. Just as I'm typing this she is swatting at her toy on her swing with no coordination yet :) Growing too fast already!

Colasantis and Just plain fun at home :)
We took the girls to Colasantis a couple Sunday's ago. Alaina loved it, Alivia slept :P When we told Alaina we were going to see animals after lunch she wouldn't stop talking about it until she napped on the way there!
We've been busy doing spring cleaning in the yard. I planted and moved a couple things and B has been trying to get some grass growing where we cut a tree down over a year ago. So Alaina decided it wasn't too cold to see what the sprinkler was like or to help watering. She was soaked from head to toe, 3 days in a row, needless to say she has some mud stained clothes already! She is going to be soo much fun this summer :)
Alaina is fascinated with the new things I have been bringing out of storage for Alivia. Here's alaina in the bouncer and on the playmat, luckily I was able to get Alivia on it with her, she hasn't wanted any pictures with her :( She has tried getting in the swings and has realized she can't and just plays with the toys attached.
Auntie Hope picked up this table set for us yard saling, I had been looking for one. Alaina wanted to sit and have snack and do her stickers right away!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
22 Months & 3 weeks already!
Well Alivia has already hit 3 weeks and I can't believe it. At her appointment last thursday she weighed in at just over 8lbs already! Wait till you see the chubber cheeks below :) She is a really good baby, however I am looking forward to her first full nights sleep! :) She reminds us soo much of Alaina, I say they are twins from different births.
Alaina is doing good, she gets a bit upset if I can't tend to her needs right away sometimes but she has been alot better than I worried she would be during the finally weeks of my pregnancy. She likes to throw her sisters dirty diapers in the garbage and asks me what I'm doing or says oh oh, what's happening if she spits up LOL She brings me her hat to put on and has started to put her blankets on her when she's sleeping. I really have to watch that, since it usually goes over her head! Of course she already has a blanket or two on, but if Alaina sees a receiving blanket laying around, she thinks Alivia needs it. I'm still trying to get a better picture of the two of them together. Alaina had a big growth spurt in the last month as well. I hemmed a pair of her jeans a week before we had Alivia and just last week I had to let it out almost 2 inches! She was seeming huge after we brought Alivia home as it was, now we call her our little Giant! You may notice Alaina isn't wearing any pants in most of the pictures, that would be because we can't get her to keep them on! Soon she will be taking her own shirt off too. Yesterday I seen her running around with something in her hand, then I noticed her bare butt! We are in for it LOL
Finally another haircut :)
She likes to make piles with all of her and our blankets, her stuffies and whatever else she feels like hugging that day, this day was her vacuum LOL She gets her craziness from her daddy :P
Wearing daddy's hat- again, and dancing with her care bear :)
2 weeks
3 Weeks
Dancing to Alivia's swing music
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
It's a GIRL!!
Another beautiful, healthy Girl has joined our family!
Alivia Nicole Coles
March 24, 2008 ~ 2:54 pm
6 lbs 6 oz 19" long
She looks alot like her big sister and so far seems to be alot like her too! Alaina is doing great having her with us. She doesn't bother with her too much. She's already 8 days old today and is up to 6lbs 10.5 oz, she was 6lbs 2 oz when we left the hospital a week ago.
Just today Alaina started to put a few little toys in bed with Alivia to sleep with, rubber ducky and a soft play ball LOL She seems to check on her from time to time and has asked a couple of times to hold her. She still just calls her the baby though, once in a while I can get her to repeat baby sister. We will work on the name later on :) It's getting past my bedtime so here's some pics and I will post more later on :)
Alaina is happy to have a sister, just didn't want to stop exploring the hospital to have a picture LOL
Prenatal Pics
We had Jen and Paolo Magliaro of Stillvision Photography come to the house and take some shots for us. Good thing they were soo patient with Alaina and we were able to get some get pics. Here are just a few of MANY :)
More Easter
Well the rest of the Easter weekend was filled with more family dinners. Alaina got a couple dresses, books, p.j's, rain boots (which she did not want to take off!) more balls for her ball house, money and TONS of candy! I've attached pics of her finished eggs and her egg hunt. It was more of a trail to her books. We put a marshmallow inside each egg, she thought it was the best thing ever :)
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