Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2nd Toronto Trip

This one was much much much better! I picked a slightly more expensive hotel, read the reviews and it paid off :) Food was good, pool was warm and NO FIRE ALARMS!! Kids both slept straight through 11 hours which totally shocked me, well Alaina woke up once to pee and put her Twinkerbell (Tinkerbell) slippers back on. :P They were both really good in the car and the restaurants. A table of ladies next to us commented as we were getting ready to leave how good they were and Brandon said "they have to be or we don't bring them to restaurants," they laughed. Alaina had a good little convo with them while we got her sister ready to go, told them we were going swimming at the hotel now :) She couldn't wait, made the mistake of telling her the night before we headed to Toronto! We headed straight to Hamilton from there to visit Aunt Tay Tay. Alaina had fun with her boyfriend Kryss. We had two cancelled meetings with Carm who was sick and couldn't make it to T.O. She was hoping we could stop at her place in Cambridge on the way home but it wasn't on the way from Hamilton. And my friend Amanda who I haven't seen in 2 years and happened to live on the same street as Tay 3 minutes away, what are the chances. She called that morning saying she thought she had the flu and we better not chance it. I was bummed but glad they called. Hopefully we can see them soon.

10 Months & Walking :(

My baby took her first steps (that I count) at 9.5 months. She took 5 steps from the couch to me when I said come here to change her bum. I think my mouth dropped and my eyes bulged out of my head. Brandon was encouraging her to do more and I said "Stop! I don't want her to walk yet!!" Well, despite my efforts, she took steps everyday, throughout the days and by 10 months she could walk across the room. She will stop and regain her balance and keep going. She can even turn around but usually falls as soon as she is turned. It's soo cute and I like to watch it now that there is no stopping her, but she definitely looks too little to be walking. She still crawls almost as much as she walks. She is up to 15lbs 14oz and 27" long, so I guess my efforts to increase her calories is working :) If she would stop pooping like she was a newborn, it would be alot easier lol. She gives high fives all the time and is trying to talk alot. I look forward to listening to the conversations her and Alaina will have soon, but not in 10 years or so! :P

Alaina being silly, usually Alivia is right beside her, doing the same thing!

It's not the best video I have of her walking, but the one I could find :)

Friday, February 06, 2009

Model Alaina

I mentioned before christmas about going to visit Bailee and my car breaking down. Well, that day Alaina did some modelling for us. She always seems to want to dress up in Aunties clothes.

Monday, February 02, 2009

It's Christmas Time!

Christmas is always a busy time for us. We started off with the Coles Christmas in Ridgetown on the 21st. Alaina got to play with her cousins and Alivia crawled around and stole toys when no one was looking :) Lots of good food and spoiled people. We got together with Auntie Hope, Uncle Rob and Zach on the 23rd. Poor Zach wasn't feeling well so didn't get to play much. But Alivia had fun trying :) Christmas eve we started off with some tobogganing with Uncle Graham who was home from out west for the first time in 3 years. So yep, he got to meet the girls for the first time and Alaina loved him!! Then over to Uncle Gary's for more good food and spoiling :) That evening we did our annual movie night with mom after the kids are nestled in bed, then got ready for Santa. I kept the tree completely empty underneath so Alaina would be super excited in the morning. She got up and wasn't quite awake yet. Brandon covered her eyes, so I could get ready with video and she walked straight to her new vanity and started doing her hair without saying a word! lol Then we asked her if she wanted to do her stocking and other gifts. I'm hoping next year to get more excitement out of her now that she knows what to expect. Nan and Uncle graham came over just as we were finishing up and had our annual breakfast together. Then we got ready and headed over to Grandma Peggy's for more food and you guessed it, spoiling! lol The girls played with more cousins and showed those boys who's boss :P Alaina was asking for more gifts to open, it wasn't that she felt like she needed more, she just liked opening them, so we let her do all ours too. Then over to Grandpa Tom's for dinner and gifts, kids were spoiled in their bank accounts this time :) Then home to bed and unwind before heading to Grandpa Goetheyn's on boxing day. Alaina wrestled and beat Grandpa up and had a yes/no argument, which happens every visit! Whew, no where to put all the stuff!! Way too much for me to list, they got more then they needed for sure. We are really truly grateful and appreciate everyone's generosity!!! Needless to say, Alaina didn't ask for more presents after boxing day :P But after new years day when she woke up from her nap, she noticed mommy was busy and asked "where did Christmas go??" She was quite upset and wanted the tree and everything back. So I had to explain, it wasn't a permanent decoration, Santa only comes once a year. When we drove around the next few days, she noticed Christmas lights were gone outside too and didn't ask anymore. We got together with Kristy, Madelyn and baby Sophia, Timeka, Jr., Justin and Cyntasha just after the holidays too. Busy busy, but wouldn't want to change a thing, we are truly blessed and lucky to have so many wonderful people in our life! :) *picture warning, there's alot! lol

Cousins, Hailey, Marcus, Brady, Meghan & Alex
Playing in the snow & crazy carpets :D

Alivia's classic Face! Best family pic :(
Uncle Graham, opening and playing with presents
Christmas Eve, opening matching christmas p.j.'s
Christmas Morning! :)

Playing with Cousins Drew, Tyler, Carter & Brayden
future pic here

Catching Butterflies & opening gifts
Wrestling with Grandpa Rob
Madelyn & Alaina Cyntasha & Alivia

9 Months

Alivia is 9 months. She weighs around 15 lbs and is just over 26" long. The Dr. was a bit concerned that her weight gain has slowed down a bit and suggested I give her higher calorie foods like ice cream. I must have looked at him funny cause he says, you don't give your kids ice cream? I said well ya, Alaina gets it but isn't alivia too young for that much sugar? He said not to worry about the sugar, she needs calories. So I opted for some cottage cheese and feeding her more often. She has gotten better with chunky food and finger foods. She is getting into everything, speed crusing furniture and takes a step or two between furniture. I do not want an early walker, I want her to stay a baby for as long as possible! She says 'ssss', I think she's trying to say sister. She will growl and try to repeat silly sound effects that daddy does. She can climb stairs, not sure how far, I haven't let her get past a few steps. She loves to chase her sister and go and play down in Alaina's room. Alaina is starting to give her more positive attention and help me keep things out of Alivia's mouth, it's not always a good thing though! To sum it up, she's a busy bee :D