At Alivia's First Year appt, she weighed a whopping 16lbs 14oz and was 28" long. A bit bigger than Alaina but over an inch shorter! She had her two shots, first one didn't phase her, second one she cried for about 30secs and then was fine. What a trooper! I hope she's as good for her 15months :P She is pointing at everything, sign's 'please, milk, all done and more.' She's been walking on her tip toes alot lately. She can kick a ball and Daddy lol. She likes to stand on her little couch, kick her feet out and drop to her bum, no fear I swear! She loves to be outside, especially in the wagon or bike trailer. She's been having fun in her swing and going down her slide by herself too. She is really starting to copy everything Alaina does, especially singing and dancing, too cute. She is a little devilish, she will grab something she knows she's not suppose to, look at you and grin, turn and just book it away from you! Little stinker, which Alaina yells as she is chasing her to get it back lol My Favourite thing is how she stops playing, comes and gives me a hug and goes back to play :) I really love this age, minus the throwing food on the floor! She's getting better, she will hand it to me, as long as I'm paying attention and don't make her wait too long lol I wish they didn't grow so darn fast!!