Tuesday, December 18, 2007
First Christmas Gathering
was at Grandma and Papa Coles on Sunday, December 16th instead of Christmas Day this year. We didn't know if we would make it due to the storm, but we ventured out, better late than never we said :) I was worried it wouldn't feel like Christmas having it earlier this year but it was really nice, more relaxing. Everyone was spoiled as usual! Alaina got alot of books (her favourite!), an outfit, doll, webkinz penguin, a word whammer for the fridge and a wagon! She sat in her wagon most of time after that lol She wasn't as interested in opening the gifts as I had hoped, she was soo busy watching her cousins and wanting to go play with what they had she didn't realize she had fun things to get into. I think Christmas morning will be alot different and more exciting, at least I hope so. I'm not putting anything under the tree until then and we are going to let Alaina open all hers first :) I forgot to take pics, I'm soo bad at doing that every year there :( Maybe Aunt Erin or Grandma will have some I can get and post later on.
Winter Wonderland
We had our first snow storm of the year on Sunday, Dec 16th. So I asked Alaina if she wanted to go out and play while daddy shoveled. Of course, she did, she loves to go outside. So we got bundled up and she played. She didn't want to sit in the snow but had fun brushing it off her slide and walking around. I had to make her go back in the house before the wind gave her little face frost bite, she wasn't very happy!!!
She wanted to swing, crazy kid! Sure was hard getting her in and out :P
Oh Christmas Tree...
We decorated the Christmas Tree on Dec. 1st. I'm alittle behind posting about it. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves LOL
Alaina had to go to bed before we were done, so she got a picture with the finished tree a seperate day :)
She's been really good not touching the tree, doesn't bother with it at all if the lights aren't on. She's only tried to pull the beads off once and a couple ornaments, mostly santa a couple times, much better than I thought she would be!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Pics
We took Alaina to Walmart to get Christmas pics done this year. I know a pic with Santa at the mall will not be an option this year! And these will be the last professional ones for her now until the baby arrives! Alaina did really well, I almost got suckered into most of the poses but the new walmart has changed some of their package prices and it is Christmas so I have alot of money to spend elsewhere! So here are the two we settled on, Enjoy! :)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Alaina's Baby Sibling
Random Stuff
Alaina is always doing silly things. Right now, one of our favourites is she sits with her chin resting in her hands. She always looks soo cute. Of course the picture I got isn't the best but you get the idea :)
Here are her first pig tails :) Notice her dirty shirt, it was a good day at Daycare! :P
She is always playing with her pumpkin basket. Usually she puts it on her arm and walks around the ottoman over and over and over again. Sometimes she will stop at her toy bucket and put something in it and continue on. This picture she decided her head was the item to go in LOL
Thursday, November 22, 2007
So here are the pics from Alaina's first Hair cut!! I just trimmed the back, it was all uneven. She sat and coloured, but still wasn't so easy! She would look up and talk to Brandon or turn around to see what I was doing. All and all it was a great first hair cut!
It's hard to tell the difference because her hair curls under or does whatever it wants, but the evidence is on the floor LOL
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So I was trying to figure out what I should do with Alaina's hair for her Christmas pictures this year. One night I tried using a curling iron. I couldn't hold it in long enough and with her hair all different lengths, it didn't do what I had hoped. So I decided to try putting rollers in! She let me put them all in, wanted them all in actually, I was quite surprised. They lasted about 15mins or so, much longer than I thought, but not long enough :( So she ended up with her crazy normal every day doo for her pictures. I think I have Brandon convinced to let me cut it, finally!! So hopefully my next post will read, "Alaina's first Hair cut!!" :)
Playing in the leaves
We finally found some time during decent weather to take Alaina out in the yard to play in the leaves this weekend! She had soo much fun. I took her out again the next day and brought her slide out and she was going down on her belly face first into the big pile! LOL Her whole head was buried, it was hilarious. She came up just a giggling. I didn't have my camera on me that time, sorry!

Helping Daddy rake them up
Helping Daddy rake them up
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bailee and I went christmas shopping while she was home to Port Huron, wanted to take advantage of our high dollar and their low prices! :) Well so did everyone else! A trip that should have been an hour took us 3.5 hours! Alaina was good so it wasn't soo bad. We went to Birchwood mall so Alaina could go for a ride on the carousel. She loved it! She giggled and smiled the whole time and didn't want to get off at the end. That alone made the long trip worth while :)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
17 Months ~ WOW!
So Alaina has been up to quite a bit. The sitter said when she sings the clean up song (which Alaina knows, and sings constantly!), she noticed Alaina was putting all her toys in the right places. It was a proud mommy moment! :) Most of the time she will get you things you ask for, she will get her coat and she can put it away too, we don't hang hers up so it's easy for her. I asked her to get her toy chickens and she picked the two out of a pile of 6 animals. I didn't expect her to know, but she surprised me. I was soo thrilled, almost teared up. I'm such a sap these days! She is saying more words and more we can understand. Her newest words are fishy, cracker, chicken, teeth, eye (she points to her eyes & teeth). She has been pre-washing before her bath the last few days. As the tub is filling up, she grabs the rag, puts it under the faucet, under her soap pump and rubs everywhere, even with her clothes still on, she soaks everything! LOL It's soo cute and funny. She's been trying to climb in the tub herself now too, we really have to watch her! That's about all I can think of for now. Some funny pics for you to see our little monkey (yep, I still call her that!)
Calling Daddy a loser LOL Of course, it was just a lucky pic, I didn't notice until I was sorting through to post on here LOL

Her First Pony Tail!!!! She looked so different from the front and soo cute from the side, will take some time to get use to. She left it in all day though, I was surprised!
Alaina singing the clean up song :)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
It's a Healthy
Active baby!! We had our half way (half way already!) ultrasound yesterday! :) The Baby was very active, she said be prepared lol. I said, ya my last one was really active too. The baby weighed approx. 10oz, heart rate was 146 and is measuring right on time :) It was a great appt. The tech was amazing, she showed me everything as she was measuring and when she brought B in, made sure we seen everything we wanted. I have never had such a detailed ultrasound before. It was great. The picture isn't that great though, since the baby was moving around so much. Brandon and I couldn't stop smiling last night. He decided to irritate Alaina last night when she was having quiet time watching her favourite movie, Barnyard. She was pushing him away. I kept telling him, leave her alone! Finally she hit him, it was hilarious. I said, I'm not giving her trouble for that, you deserved it! It was cute to see him last night, I think seeing this baby got us both more excited and we snuggled and played with Alaina more, to the point she was giving us the look. I'm still smiling today. It's going to be a long 4.5 months until this one arrives! Probably not, but today I'm thinking that way, with all these newborns around that my friends are popping out! :)
Profile of the face, kinda turned to the left
Thursday, November 01, 2007
In the morning Alaina headed with her Daycare to Park St. Place nursing home in Dresden. The sitter said she shook hands with the residents and danced and sang with the other kids to entertain them! I wish I was there to see her, she wasn't that excited when we went out at night :(
We decided to dress up as a family this year :) We took Alaina around to the neighbours and to families houses. First stop I took her out of the wagon and knocked on the door, she wanted no part of it. So the second neighbour we stayed in the wagon and she was good but didn't want me to put her treat in her bag, I think she thought I was stealing it. By the third neighbour, she waved and let me open her bag for her treat but still wanted to stay in the wagon. Then off to Nanny's, she got out and didn't want back in the wagon, she wanted to stay at Nanny's house! Then we headed back home and loaded up to head to Ridgetown. We arrived in time to see the Jones' in their cute outfits. Alaina was in a better mood once we got inside and we got a good family pic! She finally decided to show off how well she was saying Trick or Treat!! Then home to bed we went! Next year should be more fun! :)
We decided to dress up as a family this year :) We took Alaina around to the neighbours and to families houses. First stop I took her out of the wagon and knocked on the door, she wanted no part of it. So the second neighbour we stayed in the wagon and she was good but didn't want me to put her treat in her bag, I think she thought I was stealing it. By the third neighbour, she waved and let me open her bag for her treat but still wanted to stay in the wagon. Then off to Nanny's, she got out and didn't want back in the wagon, she wanted to stay at Nanny's house! Then we headed back home and loaded up to head to Ridgetown. We arrived in time to see the Jones' in their cute outfits. Alaina was in a better mood once we got inside and we got a good family pic! She finally decided to show off how well she was saying Trick or Treat!! Then home to bed we went! Next year should be more fun! :)
Alaina as a little Lamb for her Daycare Trick or Treating
In the wagon heading out and snuggling with Nanny
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Bed Head
Alaina's first official bed head picture LOL Does she remind you of anyone???
Ace Ventura perhaps?? LOL
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