So Alaina has been up to quite a bit. The sitter said when she sings the clean up song (which Alaina knows, and sings constantly!), she noticed Alaina was putting all her toys in the right places. It was a proud mommy moment! :) Most of the time she will get you things you ask for, she will get her coat and she can put it away too, we don't hang hers up so it's easy for her. I asked her to get her toy chickens and she picked the two out of a pile of 6 animals. I didn't expect her to know, but she surprised me. I was soo thrilled, almost teared up. I'm such a sap these days! She is saying more words and more we can understand. Her newest words are fishy, cracker, chicken, teeth, eye (she points to her eyes & teeth). She has been pre-washing before her bath the last few days. As the tub is filling up, she grabs the rag, puts it under the faucet, under her soap pump and rubs everywhere, even with her clothes still on, she soaks everything! LOL It's soo cute and funny. She's been trying to climb in the tub herself now too, we really have to watch her! That's about all I can think of for now. Some funny pics for you to see our little monkey (yep, I still call her that!)
Putting her feet up on the Ottoman like mommy and Daddy :)
Calling Daddy a loser LOL Of course, it was just a lucky pic, I didn't notice until I was sorting through to post on here LOL

Her First Pony Tail!!!! She looked so different from the front and soo cute from the side, will take some time to get use to. She left it in all day though, I was surprised!
Alaina singing the clean up song :)
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