Saturday, February 03, 2007


Alaina now has 6 teeth! I found two more on top! So many changes, so fast. She has started to climb onto the basket now, look at the cute pics of her digging in her toy bucket. She is also pulling herself up standing in her crib too! What a monkey! lol We've got her waving bye bye, but only when she wants to :P She's getting really close to clapping, she brings her hands together and waves them up and down, it's too cute. She can say Da Da a little bit too, of course only when she wants to. I started giving her some finger food puffs to eat, she knew right away what to do with them! Such a big girl :)


The Benners said...

Oh my goodness, she has grown up since I just saw her! 6 teeth ~ TT only has 7! She is quite a mover! Have fun with the busyness of it all!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I love that she climbed up there to get a better look at her toys, so sweet!!!