I can't believe my baby is now considered a toddler! It just doesn't seem right :( She is growing so fast physically and mentally. She is the definition of a perfect little girl (not a baby anymore!) She makes me
soo proud everyday and I'm
soo thankful to have her :) I don't even remember what life was like before her. I sure do miss the cuddling and snuggling stage, I'm lucky to get a 5sec hug these days. I'm having a 'my baby isn't a baby anymore' blues. I'm sure I will snap out of it in a couple days. Some more upbeat news.
Alaina can make the cluck noise with her tongue against the roof of her mouth, it's funny. She is walking more and more but still not 100% of the time. She tries to open the gate, grabs the handle and is reaching for the door knobs now. She brushes her hair, not always with the bristle part but does it when you ask her to. She says '
sssss' when you show her a snake. She's just
soo darn smart! She doesn't go to the Dr. for her one year check up until the 18
th so I will post again then. Birthday party post to come later with TONS of pics :P
1 comment:
I can't believe you've had your angel in your lives for a year already. They truely change your life - don't they? Happy 1 year birthday Alaina!!
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