Thursday, April 23, 2009

11 Months

I'm so far behind on blogging and so much as happened that I can't even remember what I should be writing for Alivia's 11 month. We got our new house a week before her 11 month and worked there everyday for 3 weeks. So it's all a blur. She started clapping and would 'sign' milk and all done, sometimes. She was walking like a pro and would chase her sister around. She loved to wonder down to her sisters room and see what she could get into. Alaina started shutting her door lol It didn't take long before Alivia realized she could push the door open most of the time :P They started to play a bit more together once Alivia was walking good. She is go go go, doesn't like to sit and watch anything even if Alaina is. She is a very happy and content child. She will entertain herself for hours. :)

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