Last week we had a busy week with friends. Thursday morning we went and visited Candy and Lexi who were hanging out at Christal's with the girls. Alaina played great with Jackie and Jordie. So great that she asked to play with Jordie and Lexi just yesterday :) Alivia and Lexi had fun napping at the same time lol. It was a good visit. Then Friday morning we headed over to Melissa's. Alaina and Mataya play great together. Taryn had fun exploring around Alivia and of course, they napped at the same time :P Alaina was wore right out, I had to wake her from a 3 hour nap at 5pm! We forgot to take pictures until we were leaving and of course there was no getting them all to cooperate, so next time :) Then on Saturday Timeka showed up for another quick surprise visit! She was in town for her cousins wedding. This time I just snapped a quick one of Alaina with the boys in the toy room. And then, her Coles' cousins came by after supper, it was a quick play since Alaina was ready for bed after all that excitement!! Lot of fun was had :)
Jordie had already left when we thought about getting the cameras out :( Candy got some really cute ones of just Lexi and Alivia, I'll try to post when she emails them :)
Don't they look cute in the suits :)

Alaina climbing out of the playpen. She goes to get stuff that she can't reach and she thinks her or her sister needs. I always get her climbing back out since I tell her she's too big and to get out, and I don't want her to see me take a picture because I think it's cute lol And the other picture of Alaina sharing her couch and baby since she wanted her sisters baby :)
1 comment:
so nice to see the girls have so many playmates :) That is one big thing Ty and I miss about home!
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