Alaina is really starting to show her love for Alivia now :) When Alivia wakes up from her nap, Alaina runs to the playpen saying, "I coming sister" Or "what's the matter sister, you want mommy, ok" It's SOOOO cute! She rubs her head and holds her hand sometimes too. When Alaina gets up from her nap or I get home from somewhere with Alivia, Alaina asks, "where's sister mom?" Just today when I laid her down, she heard Alivia crying downstairs and asked if she could go see her sister Reeva, it made my heart melt :)
Alivia is really starting to be a fun baby. She can make the motorboat noise with her mouth, she wants to be pulled up to a standing position from sitting, but is only strong enough for a few secs. She is rolling ALOT, she's waking herself up, that's not fun for me, especially at night!! She's starting to show more interest in some toys now, I'm going to try her in the bumbo chair later today. I think Alaina is going to have soo much fun with her sister soon :)

Sharing, awwww :)

Just hanging out, lol

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