Tuesday, September 02, 2008

5 Months ~ WOW

Alivia is now just over 5 months. She has her first tooth on the bottom, I noticed on Sunday and Brandon said he thinks he seen it Saturday. The one next to it should be arriving shortly. She has been really good through it too! She's now eating cereal twice a day and still loving it! I haven't had her weighed lately but I'm guessing around 13lbs. She is growing out of her 3 months clothes LOL and is in more of the 3-6 months now. Her hair is getting pretty long. She loves to stand and can hold herself up for a fairly long time, which is pretty tiring for us. She's starting to show interest in more things, like the remotes! She's reaching for alot more things, like writing and buttons on our shirts. And of course since the teething started she wants everything in her mouth! I don't think it will be long before she can sit on her own. I can put her between my legs on the floor and she does very well! She folds in half more than she topples. She loves when her sister is in the room with her and gets upset the second Alaina leaves the room. Alaina has turned into such the loving, caring and protective big sister now, it's just too cute! Alivia is growing way too fast for my liking, she almost doesn't seem like a baby anymore :(
Papa Coles

Alaina's first time holding Alivia!

Grandpa Rob and Aunt Tay Tay

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