Tuesday, September 02, 2008


ALAINA'S POTTY TRAINED!!!!! She still needs a diaper for bedtime until we get her use to not drinking right at bedtime, but she's good at nap time :) She's been pretty much accident free for 3 days. She had two accidents that were our fault for not asking her while she was busy playing outside :P She's been able to hold it and tell us and go in public places, the first time we were on a bike ride and had to stop at three houses before we found someone home. I was soo surprised, happy, and proud!! It's been a month of training but only hardcore training for about a week. I was just following her lead since so much has been going on lately. My little girl is officially a big girl!! I'm soo proud but sad at the same time. It's soo nice to see her excel and accomplish another milestone but sad that she is growing soo quickly!

1 comment:

Danielle and Tyler Ross said...

Congratulations Alaina! Way to go!