Friday, September 19, 2008

Girls will be Girls

Both girls personalities are changing right before us. Alaina is turning into a teenager already and Alivia is getting closer and closer to becoming a toddler. Alaina has been going through about 6 outfits a day the last week. She can undress and dress herself, if she get a small spot of water or food gets on her clothes now she has to change! She suppose to be napping and I hear all her drawers opening and closing and sometimes it wakes Alivia as you can imagine how a two year old would close a drawer! And of course all the clothes end up in her hamper and they aren't even dirty so I was constantly sorting through it! Well the one day an hour into what was suppose to be nap time, I had it, so I went in and emptied all her drawers (which wasn't hard since she had every drawer already open for me :P ) except her socks and carried the huge pile out. She cried for a minute and went to sleep! Now nap time is much better lol It gave me the opportunity to go through her clothes and sort through what she outgrew and for the change of season :) Well it's been 3 days now and I still have them in the laundry basket in the living room and I'm trying to decide where to put them LOL I think some major reorganizing in her room is in order for this weekend :P She is remembering things from weeks before and saying some really hilarious things. She was on the potty the one day and says to Brandon, "I have an idea" and stuck her finger up. Brandon says 'oh yeah, what's that?" And she says "three, you're too old for birthday cake" lol and then did it again. And on Bailee's birthday she told her she was too old for birthday cake and had to have a cupcake lol, where she gets this from I don't know! Last night at bath time (she seems to say all the weird things at bath time with brandon) I heard her say to Brandon she was a crocodile. She told me at lunch she wanted to go to the gym to exercise with Grammy but Grammy has sore muscles lol Then she's sitting there and goes, "I'm taking a break, oooo" as she stretches. "ok, that's better" and kept eating. What a kid!! When they say kids say the darnedest things, it's soo true and I have proof!
Alivia has both bottom teeth now, the second one came a few days after the first. She loves to sit in the nursing pillow and play with her toys. I put the playmat infront of her with the dangling toys. She can sit like that for 30mins. I'm going to see how she does on her own later today. She gets a bit excited still so she may topple alot. She is getting pretty good a jumping too. She seems to prefer to jump in her hop n'pop rather than her jolly jumper, she spins more in that. I swear I've heard her say mom 4 times but I was in another room. Well here's some pics ;o

Saying "Superstar!"
Trying on a halloween costume for this year, too small though!

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