Monday, February 18, 2008

Future Hockey Star??

We took Alaina skating for the first time this past Sunday. She loved it! Of course we knew she was too young to be able to stand and actually try but thought she would enjoy going around with daddy and watching the other kids, which she did! She tried to shuffle her feet a couple times like she knew what she was doing. It probably doesn't help that daddy bought her first skates as the smallest hockey skates he could find (not adjustable beginner skates), so they are about 3 sizes too big! Next year should be alot of fun :)

Daddy pushing her around on the chair was her favourite!
Hopefully if she does like hockey when she's bigger, she isn't a dirty player like her Daddy!

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Alaina is soo good at copying everything we do and say! Last week she proceeded to undress herself to run wild in her diaper while home with daddy. I asked him if he was walking around the house in his underwear when he called to tell me he couldn't keep any clothes on her, and of course that was the case! Then the other night I was using a stud finder to mark off where Brandon could hang our new shelf/coat hooks. The next day while I was gone, he found alaina using it, well thinking she was using it, she didn't know to push the buttons. When I got home, he was showing me the pictures and Alaina was telling me how she was helping LOL She likes to run around in hats, lately it's been daddy's touque. He has her saying "I'm gangsta" sometimes

Some Cute Random Pics

Since I have been a bit behind again, here are just some random pics from the last couple of weeks. Alaina likes to play dress up in her winter gear. A pic of her reading a book, which she loves to do! Hanging out with Grandpa Goetheyn and Aunt Tay. And pushing her latest best friend Elmo around in her stroller.