Wednesday, May 21, 2008


You've read a couple times and seen the pictures of Alaina walking around with no pants or just a diaper. Well, she has master to take of anything we put on her as long as it isn't too tight to go over her head, ie. buttons on the back of her shirt. I don't even know why we put p.j.'s on her at night. I go check on her 30mins later and she is sleeping in just her diaper! Thank goodness she still keeps that on 99% of the time, I hope I didn't just jinx myself typing that LOL Well, she definitely learns from example since she sees her daddy in just his undies every morning! I really hope she outgrows that soon, good thing summer is on it's way :)

Other Tidbits about Alaina
Alaina now knows most of her shapes, circle, triangle, rectangle, square and even pentagon! She is learning colours, some days she knows them better than others, pink, yellow and green and sometimes blue and red. She counts to 10 but sometimes skips 3 and 8. She can do a somersault too, it's sometimes off to the side but too cute.
We were out to dinner in london last week and I was sitting across from her amazed at what a wonderful, well behaved little girl I have. I was so proud that she sat there for 1.5 hours, happy as can be and ate everything put in front of her. She even gobbled down her ice cream with a soup spoon with no complaints! Our regular waiter couldn't believe when she was almost done that the substitute waiter brought a kids ice cream with a soup spoon! She is always saying something or doing something that makes us laugh and almost brings tears to my eyes at how smart she is at such a young age. Before you are a parent you don't realize what they learn and are capable of soo young! For example, my nan was over to play the one day and Alaina put her in the corner and told her to stay! We have been putting Alaina in the corner to get her to play nicer, not hitting and kicking when she gets excited or touching things she's not suppose to and for just being sassy! I was trying soo hard not to laugh, listening to nan ask if she can come out now and she was sorry LOL She says everything back to us that we say to her, and includes the finger pointing and scowling :P We have hit the terrible two's but they aren't that terrible, yet :P Brandon said just yesterday, we have a teenager already, I said yep, we are doomed! LOL I can honestly say, if Alivia turns out to be as good or better, I will continue to be the happiest mommy in the world :)
Tidbits of Alivia - much shorter :)
Alivia has been smiling alot and started to coo a little bit. She really watches our mouths. If we stick our tongue out, she will copy, it's soo cute. She's growing too fast for my liking. Having two definitely makes time go by even faster and that's depressing! She's going to be 2 months on Saturday already :(

Go Fly a Kite!

On Saturday morning, Brandon actually had the day off, we took Alaina to the library (she loves getting books and signing out movies is great and cheap for us!) and the park to play and fly a kite for the first time. We wanted to spend some time just the 3 of us with her. She had a bit of a jealous week and needed some attention away from her little sister, especially from mommy. She had a blast and so did we :) Then in the afternoon we had a play date with her boyfriend Ethan and his daddy. Ethan is only 11 days older than Alaina. They took a few minutes to warm up to each other, since usually when they see each other, they are both trapped in strollers walking with their parents :) We headed over to Stocks' annual May 2-4 party after supper. By the end of the day, they were holding hands and kissing! Ethan's dad caught the smooch on camera, I have to get that from him still :)

Resting with daddy (this is a frequent occurance!)
Once again my daughter will not keep her clothes on, Brandon calls it her no pants dance.
Daddy's slave, carrying his beer at Stocks after her boyfriend left.

Mother's Day

Well Mother's Day was a very busy one for me. In the morning I treated myself to some waxing from Hope, then rushed to Countryview Golf course for our annual brunch with Brandon's Step-mom Pat and family. Then I had lunch with my mom and nan at Crabby Joe's and when I got home the girls were napping and my gift was sitting on the table; a gift card for Tropical Paradise to pamper myself however I like :) I think I will choose a massage! Then I made dinner for Brandon's mom Peggy. In all the hustle and bustle I failed to get a picture with the girls :( All and all it was a great day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alivia's First Professional Pictures

Well, Semi-professional :P I attempted to take Alivia's first photos at home. I wanted them done at the same age we had Alaina's done to compare. So I did some of the same poses as well. We had two photo shoots to try and get them all. I'm very happy with them and it was alot cheaper, not entirely easier but not travelling anywhere was :) So here she is at 6.5 weeks and Alaina at 23 months, aren't they adorable :) Brandon had to hold Alivia. Alaina wasn't interested in Alivia being near her at all actually, hope that changes lol We are waiting for the nice weather to come back to do our first family photo outside.

These ones are my absolute favourite! Silly girls lol

Just a refresher so you don't have to scroll all the way down, these were Alaina's at 6.5 weeks! I don't see any similarities, do you??